The United States accuses China of hacking dissidents´ iPhones

The United States accuses China of hacking dissidents´ iPhones

The US has again accused China of "high-tech" newspapers, accusing the Chinese authorities of hacking iPhones to those it deems disloyal or dissenting.

It is intended to expose information about a set of security vulnerabilities (security flaws) in the operating system "Apple" mobile, ie those errors that are not known anything engineers or computer security experts.

The team of experts in cybersecurity of the company "Google" has reported earlier that the phones "Apple" are devices are not protected as required by some believe. According to the information available to the team, hackers have not been hacking phones "iPhone" collectively for two years using hacker technologies that enabled them to avoid all levels of protection in the devices "Apple". Experts have assumed that the majority of cases of hacking have to do with the security services or people working in their interest, because the process of hacking "iPhone" is inexpensive requires the efforts of unusual professional.

The team recalled the arrest of my rights in the UAE in 2016 after his iPhone was hacked. Security experts at Google estimated the intelligence operation of the UAE security services at $ 1 million to $ 2 million.

The hacking of the iPhone by one person, according to experts, imposed control on anyone who visited one or a few websites on the Internet or rather can be described as a breakthrough is not an individual but collective.

The head office of "Apple" in Cupertino was informed of the circumstances of the incident last February to take action, and the company launched a new update to the version of iOS where the elimination of the vulnerability mentioned.