The occupation decides to extend water lines between settlements on citizens ´ land south of Nablus

The occupation decides to extend water lines between settlements on citizens ´ land south of Nablus

Nablus _ Palestine News Network

The occupation authorities decided on Saturday to extend water lines from the settlement of "Shvut Rachel " to  "Magdolim " a length of 7 km over the land of Qasr and Jhalud, south of Nablus.

"The so-called water commissioner of the occupation authorities, the executive arm of the Israeli occupation army in the West Bank, has ordered the laying of a water line (No. 06/996/2018) to extend the outposts to the east of the settlement of Shvut Rachel," said the official of the settlement file in northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghles.

He explained that the water line scheme will start from the settlement of "Shvut Rachel " On the land of Jaloud village, arriving at the settlement  "Magdolem " located on the land of the village of Qasr, and will penetrate a large area of the village of Jaloud over 4 km long.

The water pipes will wreak havoc on farmland, and will prevent their owners from working within meters of the water pipes, in addition to the devastation that the Israeli bulldozers will make during work on the water line, he said.

He pointed out that the declaration made by the occupying authorities, the landowners or residents of the land along the route specified in the plan, were entitled to seek compensation from the project owners for any damage caused to them, as a result of the execution of the work, and may appeal the compensation to the Appeals Commission as specified in the Ordinance on the committees of the ACE (Judea and Samaria) (No. 172), 1967  ". But they are not entitled to object to the project.