Foreign minister warns of the danger of the establishment of a huge settlement bloc southwest of Nablus

Foreign minister warns of the danger of the establishment of a huge settlement bloc southwest of Nablus

Nablus _ Palestine News Network

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates warned again of the seriousness of the settlement plan targeting the south-west of Nablus, by forming a large settlement bloc separating Nablus from the Ramallah district, and imposing it as a fait accompli in case of a return to negotiations, as is the case with other settlement groups in the outskirts And the bowels of the occupied West Bank, targeting the designated areas  "C ".

In this regard, she said in a press statement released on Sunday that she had warned from the very first moment of the repercussions of this colonial trend, especially when the gangs of settlers and their organized terrorist militias in the hotbed of terrorism ("Yitzhar ") stepped up attacks on Palestinian citizens and their villages And their towns in that region, as they constantly get in Burin, Arif, Jhalud, Ksar and others.

She continued: Since the international reactions to this dangerous event have unfortunately not continued, the attacks and crimes of the settlers and their gangs and the protection of the occupying forces, as a prelude to the implementation of this expansionist project through the construction of road networks to link the outposts. Yesterday, the decision of the occupying authorities to extend water lines from the settlement of "Shvut Rachel " to  "Magdolim " was announced 7 km above the land of Qasr and Jhalud, south of Nablus, with the means of theft and seizure of thousands of dunums, and the devastation and destruction in agricultural land by this Settlement plan, and the denial Citizens of the land owners of exploitation.

She stressed that, as usual and within what is possible, she will continue to work with competent institutions to process files on this scheme to be submitted to the courts and organizations dealing with the settlement file, and to expose this scheme and its colonial dimensions as widely as possible, with a view to creating the case of an institutional, parliamentary and partisan assembly. and international anti-cancer endemic in the Occupied Palestinian territory, which swallows not only the land, but also swallows the dream of establishing a Palestinian state.