The masses of our people in Qalqilya bid farewell to the body of the martyr Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh

The masses of our people in Qalqilya bid farewell to the body of the martyr Abd al-Karim al-Sheikh

governorate , this Thursday evening, mourned the body of the young martyr Abdul Karim Badie Al-Sheikh (21 years old), in the village of Siniriya, south of the governorate.

The funeral procession departed from the house of the martyr´s family, after they gave him a farewell look, and the mourners roamed the streets of the village, carrying the body on their shoulders, chanting slogans condemning the crimes of the occupation.

 The mourners performed the funeral prayer over the body of the martyr in the old Suniriya Mosque, before the burial took place in the village cemetery.

The young man, Abdul Karim Al-Sheikh, was shot dead by a settler on the tenth of last March, east of Qalqilya , and the occupation authorities kept his body in their refrigerators, before handing him over this morning.