The masses of our people mourn the body of the martyr Odeh in Nablus

The masses of our people mourn the body of the martyr Odeh in Nablus

The masses of our people in Nablus governorate , this evening, Thursday, mourned the body of the martyr Iman Ziyad Odeh , in the town of Hawara .

The funeral procession departed from Rafidia Hospital in the city of Nablus , to the town of Hawara , the birthplace of the martyr, where the last farewell look was given to her in her family´s home, then the mourners performed prayers for her in the Ali bin Abi Talib mosque, before the burial took place in the town´s cemetery.

Local sources indicated that the occupation forces prevented the funeral participants from passing through the main street in the center of the town, forcing them to take internal roads to reach the cemetery.

It is noteworthy that the occupation forces executed the martyr Odeh with a bullet in Al-Sadr area this afternoon near the Einabous roundabout in the center of the town of Hawara .

The martyr Odeh, 26, is married and a mother of three children.