The deployment of iron dome batteries throughout Israel

The deployment of iron dome batteries throughout Israel

On Tuesday evening, the Israeli army reinforced the deployment of batteries of the defense system "Iron Dome" in all parts of the country.

The Army Radio said that the army had "strengthened the deployment of iron dome batteries throughout the country."

The Yediot Ahronot daily reported that the Israeli army had received orders to prepare for the possibility of launching a military operation in the Gaza Strip soon.

"The Israeli army has been ordered to prepare soon for the possibility of a military operation if efforts to calm down, or that that party in the sector failed terribly," she said.

A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed on the southern Israeli coast of Ashdod on Monday night, while the occupation army accused Islamic Jihad of responsibility for the launch.

For its part, the Islamic Jihad said that the escalation of the Israeli media against the Islamic Jihad movement and its secretary-general Ziad al-Nakhla and the leaders of its military wing Al-Quds Brigades an attempt to target the movement and sing it and prepare for a military confrontation.

The leader of the movement Khaled al-Batsh said in a press statement received Sawa copy: "We warn the occupation of the consequences of playing with fire, and we assert our commitment to our right to resist the occupier until we realize the right of our people in the liberation and return home. "


  • The deployment of iron dome batteries throughout Israel
  • The deployment of iron dome batteries throughout Israel
  • The deployment of iron dome batteries throughout Israel