An organized Israeli attack on the institutions of Shu´fat Camp to liquidate the presence of UNRWA in Jerusalem

An organized Israeli attack on the institutions of Shu´fat Camp to liquidate the presence of UNRWA in Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation authorities on Tuesday notified the institutions of the Shuafat refugee camp north of Jerusalem to demolish it after a month of its history, while the municipality intends to hold the school from September next year.

Sheikh Abdullah Alqam, head of the administrative committee of the Social Youth Center in Shuafat, coordinator of the Popular Campaign for Jerusalem, told that he received written notification from the Israeli authorities today after his son Mohammed, who was arrested last night, To demolish two institutions operating under the umbrella of UNRWA a month later.

Al-Hakam added that the Israeli occupation authorities will demolish the Youth Social Center and the Popular Services Committee headquarters under the auspices of UNRWA. He also informed him that the three UNRWA schools will be guarded by the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem starting from the new semester starting next September.

Alqam noted that there are three schools in the camp, "two for males and one for females" with 2,500 students.

He said the decision would be implemented one month after the notification was received.

The head of the administrative board of the Center for Social Youth condemned the arbitrary arbitrary action, stressing that it aims to liquidity UNRWA institutions in the camp as part of the "American deal of the century" aimed at settling the refugee issue as a whole.

Al-Alqam said that all the institutions and activities of Al-Watar in the camp were invited to a meeting next Friday at the Abu Obeida mosque in the camp to discuss the steps to address this unjust decision.

For his part, Sheikh Akrama Sabri, the preacher of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the head of the Islamic Supreme Commission, denounced the decision, which he described as criminal. "This decision is part of a plan to turn the Shu´fat refugee camp into a neighborhood of the city of Jerusalem following the occupation municipality," he told al-Quds al-Awsat. He expressed his categorical rejection of the demolition decision, which would eliminate the existence of UNRWA service institutions working to liquidate its presence in the city. Jerusalem .

He said that what al-Badia is doing in the so-called "development works" in Jerusalem is only a Judaization process for the city. He said that the municipality is trying to take all its efforts and mobilize large sums of money to make the city and its institutions Jewish.

Sheikh Sabri noted that the Israeli occupation of the Shuafat refugee camp is clear: "Before the demolition of the Al-Razi secondary school, which was built on UNRWA land in an area filled with residential buildings and various institutions, why was this school demolished?" The answer is that it did not agree with the municipality to teach The Israeli curriculum and because it is also built on land belonging to UNRWA, which they are liquidating. "

He called on the head of the Islamic Supreme Commission, a mass sit-in in the buildings that will be demolished to prevent the implementation of this resolution Denied and rejected in toto.

In turn, Fatah leader Hamdi Dhiab condemned this arbitrary decision. He told that this attack on the institutions of the Shu´fat camp was aimed at changing the name of the camp to Shu´fat 2, which was recently reported by the mayor of Jerusalem.

Deyab stressed that what the Israeli municipality is doing in Jerusalem of demolitions, violations and attacks on Palestinian institutions in the city is a blatant expression of the implementation of the provisions of the "deal of the century" that will pass only on our bodies.

The Fatah leader said that the movement was invited by the movement in the camp and its frameworks, activities and institutions to a mass rally next Friday followed by a march towards the military checkpoint at the entrance to the camp to express rejection of the demolition decision.

"The plot on the camps is big and we will confront them," Diab said. "It is the story that is the key to war and the key to peace in the whole region."