A march in London rejected the character of the century and commemorate the Nakba

A march in London rejected the character of the century and commemorate the Nakba

The Palestinian Forum in Britain, with a number of British solidarity organizations and Arab and Islamic community organizations, is organizing a mass national rally in downtown London on Saturday (11 May) to commemorate the Nakba and reject the deal.

The march, which is expected to involve thousands of Britons, is aimed at commemorating the Nakba, emphasizing the right of return, rejecting the deal of the century, solidarity with the major return marches in the Gaza Strip and ending with a speech for a number of parliamentarians, trade unionists and community leaders.

The head of the Palestinian Forum, Dr. Hafez al-Karmi said that a large number of grassroots organizations, human rights and solidarity, as well as British trade unions will participate in organizing and supporting the march.

Al-Karmi stressed that the march comes to emphasize the Palestinians´ adherence to the right of return to their homes, which were forcibly evicted in 1948, and sends a message to all those who contributed to the manufacture of "our tragedy that the Palestinian people can not give up their land and homeland and reject all projects and plans which targets its national rights, especially the right of return. "

Al-Karmi renewed his call to the Palestinian community and the Arab communities in Britain to participate in this process and bringing the Palestinian flags and national slogans rejecting the deal of the century.

Al-Karmi pointed out that the march comes in difficult circumstances through which the Palestinian issue passes, and needs the occupied efforts and national unity necessary to confront all conspisitions facing the issue.

The Palestinian-British Forum is the most prominent Palestinian institution in the British arena, which works to serve the Palestinian community in Britain and is allied with a number of British institutions in organizing political and national events and solidarity in support of the rights of the Palestinian people.