The death of a citizen with corona sprang arose spoiled

The death of a citizen with corona sprang arose spoiled

Government spokesman Ibrahim Melhem announced the death of Nashat Naji Mahmoud al-Mudalal, 55, from the village of Sidon, north of Tulkarm, and a resident of Barta´a in Jenin, today, Friday, from Hugo Chafer Hospital in Turmus Aya. Infected with corona virus.

Melhem said in a statement issued by him, that the spoiled was infected with the Corona virus during his work in an epic owned by him in the town of Barta´a because he had been in contact with meat dealers from within the territory of the 48, and the deceased was suffering from chronic diseases, where he was transferred four days ago from Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarm to the "Hugo Hospital" Chavez "because of his deteriorating health.

He pointed out that this case is the second in the record of deaths from the Coronavirus since the outbreak of the epidemic in Palestine.

He said that he will see the body of the deceased person, this Friday afternoon, in his hometown of Saida village, north of Tulkarm, amid preventive measures and in accordance with a legal fatwa issued by the Grand Mufti in dealing with deaths of this epidemic.

Melhem had announced this morning that three new HIV infections were recorded in Bethlehem and Hebron, bringing the number of infections in Palestine to 266.