Suffocation suffocation in the Kafr Kaddoum weekly march

Suffocation suffocation in the Kafr Kaddoum weekly march

 The Israeli army suppressed the weekly Kafr Qaddum march on Friday after the weekly march to the entrance, which has been closed since 2003.  The Israeli army suppressed the weekly Kafr Qaddum march on Friday after the weekly march to the entrance, which has been closed since 2003. It is the main artery connecting the village to the outer perimeter.

It is the main artery connecting the village to the outer perimeter.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that the occupation army tried to arrest many of the participants in the march through ambushes among olive trees and presence in houses near the confrontations, but the vigilance of the young men succeeded in missing the opportunity to achieve the occupation soldiers to achieve their goals of these military ambushes.

They added: "" During the suppression of the march with tear gas, metal and plastic bullets and snares, many citizens suffered mass suffocations that were treated on the ground by ambulance crews.