The battle of government closure was Trump´s first political loss

The battle of government closure was Trump´s first political loss

 Donald Trump´s "You´re Dying," in his former TV show, may be his motto, but in his battle with the Democrats for the country´s longest-term closure, The legendary maker of bargains may have contributed himself to his predicament.

A crucial personal aura is the qualities of the president he embodied when he was the star of the "apprentice" program (the Abrantes) to the extent that many can not imagine in contrast to the fierce businessman.

But the government´s 35-day closure crisis, which Trump finally concluded on Friday, revealed that the White House was not like the board of directors in the billionaire´s real estate company, or a theater on reality television.

With the increase in the number of federal employees who have not received salaries and suffer from financial problems, while air traffic has seen unrest, and even the intelligence agents who keep the White House for a second month without pay, Americans have shouted their leaders.

What they got for five weeks from Trump and his Democratic opponents was nothing more than superficial arguments and political differences.

Trump, who insisted on "no retreat", did so in the end, agreeing to reopen government departments for three weeks, abandoning the demand for immediate funding for a controversial border wall with Mexico.

That was a very rare situation for a man who often boasted of his cruelty and vanity: a personal retreat for the greater good.

The big drop came at the height of a busy day.

On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested his former adviser Roger Stone for investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, raising the feeling that the White House was under siege.

Sixton is the sixth person to have a relationship with Trump, who is accused in the broad investigation overseen by Special Inspector Robert Mueller.

The spokeswoman for President Sarah Sanders sought to show little interest and said the arrest "has nothing to do with the president and certainly has nothing to do with the White House."

Sanders said Stone´s fate - which faces six counts including influencing witnesses and obstructing justice - "is not a matter that affects us in this building."

But within a short time it turned out that another person in the building was not shared by the president.

In a tweet on Twitter, Trump said: "The biggest hunt in the history of our country is not plotting." Border wolves, drug traffickers and traffickers receive better treatment.

The incoming president from New York always portrays himself as a forceful and confident person.

This is especially evident in his negotiating skill.

"My style of making deals is very easy and straight," he says in the book, which tells his autobiography, "The Art of the Deal," and then continues to pay, pay and pay to get what I want.

Thus, when he refused to finance parts of the government in December, Trump believed that the presentation of his executive muscles would force Congress to bow to his request for $ 5.7 billion to finance the construction of the wall between the United States and Mexico - at the heart of his campaign to the White House 2016.

But Trump, who had no experience in politics, apparently did not seem to have to deal with a Congressional Congress since January under the control of the Democrats.

In contrast, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, his main rival, has decades of experience in government closure policies. As her daughter told CNN, "You´ll cut your head and you will not feel like you´re bleeding."

The question now is: What is next?

After losing the first round, Trump promised a second round after three weeks if he did not receive funding to build his wall. This could mean a second closure or activation of the president´s emergency powers to obtain funding for the wall without congressional approval.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Senate Democrats, warned Trump of the consequences of a new conflict. "We hope Trump has learned the lesson," he said.

But Trump again threatened to close the government again.

"This is not a concession at all," Trump said on Twitter. "But millions of people who have suffered so much from the closure are interested in the realization that within 21 days, if no agreement is reached, the escalation will return."

In another book entitled "A high aspiration and do not care about work and life," Trump says, "My hair is always equal.