Spain: 832 corona deaths within 24 hours and the army summoned to help transport the bodies

Spain: 832 corona deaths within 24 hours and the army summoned to help transport the bodies

Spain recorded 832 new deaths from the new Corona virus within 24 hours, according to the latest official toll issued on Saturday, raising the number of deaths in the country to 5690.

With the exception of a slight decrease recorded on Thursday, the death toll continues to rise in Spain, the second most affected country in the world after Italy.

The number of infections increased by more than 8,000 in 24 hours, to 72,248, at a time when the authorities decided to conduct further medical examinations in order to more accurately determine the extent of the infection.

However, the authorities are pointing to a positive sign of slowing the number of daily injuries and deaths in recent days, while the government reiterates that the country is not far from reaching the epidemic.

The 46 million Spaniards have been subjected to a general stone since March 14, and the procedure has been extended until April 11.

Madrid remains the most affected region with 2757 deaths recorded, which is equivalent to half of the deaths in the country, and 21,520 injuries.

In the face of this, the local authorities decided to construct a second morgue in an unused public building in a suburb of the capital, after the first was established in a skating rink in a shopping center.

On the other hand, the Spanish Ministry of Health announced in the official newspaper of the country, today, Saturday, that the army has been called to provide assistance in transporting the corpses of coronavirus infections.

The move by Spain follows another similar step taken by Italy, the two countries most affected by the Corona pandemic in Europe.

The Spanish Ministry of Health stated that the burial services will be used in view of the large number of deaths and the lack of burial centers due to the emergency.

Due to the large numbers of deaths, the Spanish authorities have recently used the Madrid ice rink as a storehouse.

The Spanish government extended the state of emergency and a strict curfew for another two weeks until April 11th.