Six states determine the next US president

Six states determine the next US president

The battle for the US presidential election, scheduled for November 3, is raging, but it is a handful of major states that will decide the outcome of the race between Democrat Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

All of the swing states this year that could flip from camp to camp - Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Arizona - were won by Donald Trump in the 2016 elections, and of which four states voted for Democrat Barack Obama in 2012.

In evidence of the intensification of the battle in these states, Trump headed to three of them - Michigan, North Carolina and Florida - on Sunday, while Biden held two election rallies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Democrat Joe Biden leads by an average of 3.2 points in fiercely contested states, according to a poll conducted by the "RealClearPolitics" Institute.

If the remaining 44 states vote as they did four years ago, Biden could change the data of the two biggest battles, Florida and Pennsylvania, and win.

Biden’s birthplace, the state is the most important in the region known as the "rust belt" and includes areas in the north-central United States that have experienced decades of industrial decline.

Trump campaign volunteers flocked to the state, traveling from house to house, even in the suburbs.

Pennsylvania includes several regions of social and economic importance. The Biden campaign team, which adhered to health rules to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by organizing its main events online, has allocated large sums to publish political advertisements in the state.

Major cities in Pennsylvania will vote heavily for Biden, while the rural West and conservative midfields are committed to Trump. The suburbs and regions of the Northeast will be crucial.

According to the RealClearPolitics average, Biden has a 4.3 percentage point lead.

Trump won 2016 in Michigan by a narrow margin, and the battle rages this year in the state.

Trump visited the state that includes the Great Lakes to confirm his efforts to restore American values, but the concern of voters is the repercussions of the new Corona virus on the economy and the president´s management of the epidemic crisis.

Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governor of the state, often clashed with the president, and her decisions to impose a mandatory lockdown angered the Tories.

Demonstrators carrying firearms organized demonstrations in front of the state government building this summer, and members of a right-wing group were recently arrested for planning to kidnap the governor.

According to the average RealClearPolitics poll, Biden has a 6.1 percentage point lead.

Democrat Hillary Clinton chose not to campaign in the dairy state in 2016, and voters punished her for that.

This year, Democrats focused on Wisconsin and announced their national convention there, although they later held an online gathering due to fears of the Corona virus.

Both Trump and Biden campaigned in that state, which was also visited by Vice President Mike Pence and Biden´s running mate, Kamala Harris.

According to the RealClearPolitics average, Biden has a 6.6 percentage point lead.

It is the largest of the swing states and represents the pillar of the "Sun Belt" extending in the south and southwest of the United States, which has an increasing population density, is famous for agriculture and military industries and has large numbers of retirees.

The Republicans are escalating their defenses there, while the Democrats accuse them of suppressing the vote, especially in societies of people of color.

Voters from South America will be very important, and surveys show less support for Democrats than they were in 2016.

Most experts consider Florida as a firewall for Trump, and if he breaks through, Trump will likely lose the White House seat.

According to the RealClearPolitics average, Biden has a 0.8 percentage point lead.

Trump won the traditionally conservative state by three points four years ago, but both parties now acknowledge the race´s convergence.

The state´s popular Democratic governor is praised for his balanced management of the epidemic.

Republicans organized their national convention in the state, but it ended up mostly on the Internet.

According to the RealClearPolitics average, Biden is here by 0.3 percentage points.

Arizona was for decades a Republican stronghold, but its voters are changing with the increasing numbers of Latin American nations and the influx of citizens from more liberal California. Conservative voters appreciate Trump´s efforts to impose restrictions on immigration and build a wall on the border with Mexico.

But Trump has damaged his fortunes by repeatedly damaging the late Senator John McCain, who was representing Arizona, while still leaning in his weight on state politics. McCain´s widow, Cindy, announced her support for Biden.

By the average RealClearPolitics poll, Biden has a 1.1 percentage point lead in the state.