Turkey turns down an Israeli offer of aid in the aftermath of the earthquake

Turkey turns down an Israeli offer of aid in the aftermath of the earthquake

Turkey rejected, today, Saturday, an Israeli offer, made to the government in Ankara, to help it in the aftermath of the earthquake that struck the Turkish state, causing casualties.

According to the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot, the Israeli offer of assistance was transferred from a representative of the army to the Turkish military attaché, who in turn referred it to the authorities in the country, but the proposal was rejected.

The site indicated that Turkey rejected similar proposals from other countries, and everyone responded that assistance was not necessary and that local rescue forces took over the responsibility themselves.

And Benny Gantz, Minister of the Israeli Defense Forces, had issued an order to transfer the Israeli aid proposal, as a "humanitarian" act.

For its part, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied that there were any injuries among Israelis.