Shadows of mystery and the anxiety of disruption loom over the final hours of the most contested elections in American history

Shadows of mystery and the anxiety of disruption loom over the final hours of the most contested elections in American history

 witnesses the last thirty-six hours before the closing of the last ballot boxes in the American elections, and the curtain dropping on what historians consider the most congested, strange, excitable and nerve-racking elections, and a bitter division among Americans in the country´s history.

An intense and relentless race in which the two competitors are not spared US President Donald Trump, who is fighting to keep his position for an additional four years, and former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, who was forced to run for the presidential elections at the age of seventy-seven to save the American nation from the clutches of futility And the damage that Trump caused to the country "(according to him); They are saving nothing from their colossal electoral capabilities, unconventional political tricks, and spending of money in a way that no one could have imagined a year ago, for another possible voter age - perhaps not among the 93 million Americans cast their vote yet - to put one in the cloud of victory and drown the other. In the swamp of defeat.

These are those frenzied last hours, where the moment of fate will be decided on Tuesday - and what could turn into a day of lengthy counting of votes due to the huge number of votes in the mail, and no one knows if Americans are tired of Trump and will succeed in rejecting him after one term or returning him mockery like a peacock. To his Oval Office in the White House "for another four years of his brazen presidency," according to CNN.

The results will be revealed this time in the midst of an emergency escalation of the new Corona epidemic that exhausted Americans, stopped their lives, destroyed their economy, and killed 232,000 citizens so far, and dumped more than 9 million other citizens suffering from it, striking fifth by sixth in anticipation of an uncertain future, while the epidemic comes out from under Control across the country.

Biden, who hopes to become the oldest American president in the country´s history, spends his last day before the Tuesday (3/11) elections in the state of Ohio in the middle of America in which a Republican candidate could not enter the White House without winning it, as a late addition to his list of goals, in States he considers his chances ahead of his opponent, such as his hometown state of Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin, states that Trump shuttles between (Monday), hoping to repeat again that strange moment from November 7, 2016, when I put him in the White House, and sent Hillary Clinton is rolling down the unruly slope of defeat.

Biden argues that Trump´s denial and neglect of a pandemic that has killed more than 232,000 Americans and is getting worse by the day should deny the president (Trump) re-election.

The Democratic candidate heads to the final day of the campaign, fortified by a wide margin in the national opinion polls and advances in swing states enough to allow multiple ways to get the magic 270 votes from the electoral college necessary to win the White House, including through what is known as the Sunbelt from states such as the state Florida and the state of Georgia or Arizona in the American West, where his campaign feels very confident about ways to achieve victory, and Biden hopes that victories in states such as Arizona, Florida, Georgia, or North Carolina will send an early signal Tuesday night that he is heading for victory, and is cutting the way on Trump, who will not hesitate to take reckless steps such as declaring an early victory without evidence.

Counting in "battlefield" states in the American Midwest such as Michigan and Wisconsin, where Biden is expected to perform well, may take longer and lead to some kind of contested outcome depending on Trump´s threat. Trump has already tried to discredit mail ballots that take longer to count, while Republicans in Texas, for example - so far without success - are trying to nullify ballots cast through car windows (due to Covid) in the Houston area.

As for Trump, while trailing Biden by several points, he also has a clear, albeit narrower, opportunity to get 270 reliable electoral votes on him to sweep across a range of battlefields he won four years ago with what his campaign promises to be a massive turnout on Election Day. The president cannot afford to give up states like Florida, Georgia or North Carolina, so he must fight Biden in the Midwest - the crucial region of his victory over Hillary Clinton, as he struggles exhausted in comparison to the 2016 election. Yet the president is still a short distance away in some polls in swing states, as Democrats chase the idea that he can once again defy expectations and make a spectacular comeback on Election Day.

The president spent a weekend of campaigning shuttling between those states at amazing speed and in a grueling swing embodying his endurance, to redirect responsibility for his mishandling of Covid-19, blaming doctors, accusing them of inflating the death toll for the sake of financial profits, And claiming that Biden will impose new closures on the country if he wins.

Trump claimed again on Sunday - at a rally in North Carolina - that the United States was winning the war against the virus and that the vaccines he had hoped at one time to roll out before the election were "out there," but scientists, doctors, and vaccine makers denied him that.

The president is betting that a stream of pro-Trump voters who are not polled in the polls will embrace his excessive warnings of a power takeover by the left-wing Democrats if Biden wins and his denunciations of riots in the cities he blames on left-wing thugs.

An atmosphere of alarm and apprehension looms over one of the most surreal elections in recent US history, as reports of mail delays in several battlefield states have deepened concern about the possibility of protracted legal duels between campaigns should the election results approach. From each other.

The extra time and complexity with mail polls could give the president room to cast new doubts on the integrity of the elections, which he has warned will only be fair if he wins.

The clock is moving towards the moment of decisiveness, and the Democratic candidate Biden maintains a comfortable lead in the various opinion polls over the besieged president, but Trump, who surprised America and the world with his victory in 2016, may surprise everyone again. If tomorrow to its sight nearby.