"Google" and its system for Android phones cut off links Bhawawi

"Google" and its system for Android phones cut off links Bhawawi

The US group Google, which supplied most of its smartphones with its Android system, said on Sunday it was suspending its relationship with Chinese telecom giant Huawei, which warns Washington of its "threat" to US national security. .

At the height of a trade war between Beijing and Washington, US President Donald Trump this week banned US groups from any telecommunications business with foreign companies considered dangerous to national security, in a move aimed specifically at Huawei.

This prohibition specifically covers technology sharing.

Huawei has been listed on a US Department of Commerce list of suspicious companies whose relationships can not be started before getting a green light from the authorities.

"We disagree with this decision and study its consequences," Google said in an e-mail to AFP.

These can be significant because, on Google and other technology groups, they collaborate with smart phone producers to fit their phones.

A source close to the file told AFP that Google will have to stop activities that assume the transfer of non-public technologies (ie not included in the open source software) Open Source "which will force the Chinese group to use only open source software from Android.

Huawei, for example, will not be able to access applications and services for Google, such as Gmail.

In response to an AFP question, the Chinese group based in Shenzhen, southern China, declined to comment.

The Chinese group condemned this week "unreasonable restrictions that would violate its rights."

"Preventing Huawei from working in the United States will not make the United States safer or stronger," he said in a statement, "Instead, this will only limit US options to lower-cost, more expensive alternatives."

Huawei´s sales in the first quarter of the year were 59.1 million smartphones, accounting for 19% of the market share, more than those recorded by the US Apple, but came second after South Korea Samsung.

Huawei is one of the leaders in the new generation 5G network for mobile phones.