"Foreign ": Friedman acts as an occupier and settler

"Foreign ": Friedman acts as an occupier and settler

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned in the strongest terms the positions of US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, when he addressed American Jewish leaders in Tel Aviv, when he boasted that he was a "right-wing defender of Israel."

The ministry said in a statement on Friday that "Freedman continues his affiliation and blind bias to settlers, settlement, occupation and the extreme right in Israel, and acts on the grounds that he is a settler who takes partisan and personal positions and declares it, forgetting intentionally that he is an ambassador, and that he is the Ambassador of the United States American  ".

Friedman continues to embrace the pretexts of the ruling oath in Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, to raise his slogans and adopt his positions in all fields, the ministry said.