Desperate attempt to displace 11 Jerusalem families in Sheikh Jarrah

Desperate attempt to displace 11 Jerusalem families in Sheikh Jarrah

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

The failure of settlement associations and companies in the case of the evacuation of 11 Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Jerusalem by claiming ownership of land prior to the Nakba in 1948, these associations and settlement companies supported by the Godfather of Settlement Arh Keng, member of the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem, have resorted to presenting an organizational chart of the Committees The Israeli organization for approval to build a number of towers place Palestinian houses.

Settlement companies and associations claim ownership of land in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, which has been occupied by Palestinian residential buildings inhabited by many Palestinian families for more than 60 years and is protected by law.

Mohammed Dahleh, a lawyer for Palestinian families living in Sheikh Jarrah, said the plan aims to demolish a number of Palestinian apartments that live in Sheikh Jarrah and obtain approval for the construction of new settlement buildings that rise up to six floors of the positions and warehouses.

He stated that the massive settlement project had been deposited on 20 September 2018, in an attempt to pressure and intimidate Palestinian citizens and to evict them, and that Palestinian citizens in the neighbourhood had been given a 60-day deadline to file objections.

Delleh added:  " That these companies and settlement associations claim to have purchased these lands from Jewish nationals who had owned them before the Nakba in 1948 and were returned to them after the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 under an Israeli law that committed (the Israeli public guard) to return them. "

He explained that the Palestinian families living in this neighbourhood are families protected under the Tenant protection law, and that in recent years settlement associations have set up many cases in order to evacuate these families from their homes, but failed in their endeavours, where we succeeded in keeping these Palestinian families In their homes as protected by law.

He said: "He works in the name of the Palestinian residents of the neighborhood who are affected by the project to deposit it in order to present a detailed objection with the aim of thwarting the said settlement project. He stressed that settlement associations intend to exploit loopholes in the law in order to try to retry the evacuation of Palestinian families on the pretext that they want to build new buildings, and that they are ready to offer housing alternatives to the Palestinian citizens, which is rejected by all the residents of the Palestinian neighborhood in total and separation.

Dahleh said residents of Sheikh Jarrah are resisting settlement projects and are struggling with endemic settlements and plans to judaize the neighborhood, which is the main link between the old Town and the northern neighborhoods of the occupied city of Jerusalem.

He said the associations and companies are behind them the godfather of settlement and a member of the municipality of occupation Arieh King, who is actively working to expand settlement and planting outposts in the heart of the Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.

Dahleh said the settlers suspended the organization and construction of the houses of several Jerusalem families and invited citizens to search for suitable housing alternatives in order to displace and intimidate Palestinian citizens in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood who are aware of the aim of these desperate attempts to uproot them from the neighborhood.

The settlement associations seized many land in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and set up 25 settlement units on the grounds of "Karam al-Mufti " as well as in the vicinity of the cave of Sheikh Saadi, which was transformed by the settlement associations into a cave and synagogue to pray as "friend Chamoun " and seized many houses in Its surroundings to isolate the old town.