Palestinian warnings of Washington´s plans to "circumvent" the Arab peace Initiative

Palestinian warnings of Washington´s plans to "circumvent" the Arab peace Initiative

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

PLO secretary Saeb Erekat on Sunday warned of the US administration´s plans to "circumvent" the Arab peace initiative with Israel.

In remarks to the official Palestinian radio, Erekat warned of Washington´s call for an international conference to confront Iran and peace in the Middle East, to be held in the Polish capital of Warsaw a month later, with the participation of Israel and the foreign ministers of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco and Jordan.

Erekat said the Arabs had an Arab peace initiative based on international law, international legality and the two-state principle on the Borders occupied in 1967.

He added that the Palestinian side rejects any proposal that detracts from the independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. Erekat stressed that any international effort to bring peace to the Middle East should be based on ending the Israeli occupation as "the source and the root of evil."

The Arab Peace Initiative is an initiative launched by Saudi Arabia for peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine in 2002, aimed at creating an internationally recognized Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, returning refugees and withdrawing from the occupied Golan Heights, in exchange for the recognition and normalization of relations between Arab States and Israel. .

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates said that Israel  "destroys the components of the Palestinian State through the programmed escalation campaigns against Palestinian citizens, as an integral part of the Sapeway project called the US century deal.

In a statement, the ministry accused Israel of "lawlessness cities, towns, villages and camps, spreading its terror and violence against unarmed citizens in an open attempt to threaten and weaken official and civil institutions and prevent them from developing into state institutions." Israel is "exploiting the absolute blind bias of the United States and accelerating the implementation of the map of its expansionist colonial interests at the expense of the land of the State of Palestine, in an attempt to create difficulties on the ground to be marketed by Israelis and Americans as facts that must be recognized under the slogan of false realism," she said.