On the eve of his impeachment deliberations. Poll Shows Trump Outperforms Democratic Rivals

On the eve of his impeachment deliberations. Poll Shows Trump Outperforms Democratic Rivals

As the US House of Representatives prepares to begin Wednesday / December 18, 2019, deliberations to isolate US President Donald Trump in the US House of Representatives, after the Judicial Committee approved last Friday (12/13/2019) Two charges: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. An opinion poll conducted by the USA Today newspaper published on Monday evening / December 16, 2019, showed that Trump outperforms all his Democratic rivals in the general elections scheduled for October 3 The second 2020.

The poll, which included 1000 voters across the United States, was chosen by random means between December 10 and December 14, that is, during and after discussions of the relevant committees (intelligence and judicial) in the House of Representatives, and their endorsement of the two charges against the President, and moving towards the removal of the President in the House of Representatives In all, Trump outperforms his most likely Democratic opponent, Joseph Biden, by 44% to 41%, a difference of three points, and (Trump) surpasses the Socialist Senator from the state of Vermont Bernie Sanders by five points ((44% to 39%)). Senator Elizabeth Warren had eight points (45% to 37%), and billionaire Mike. Bloomberg (formerly Mayor of New York City) has nine points, (43% to 35%), and Pete Pinogyge, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana has 10 points (43% to 33%).

USA Today, the only newspaper that publishes and prints in every state of the United States, reported a positive or negative rate of 3%.

It is noteworthy that the Fox News network, which is close to Trump, had published a poll on Sunday / December 15, 2019, which was conducted between December 8-11, a week before the House of Representatives voted on indictments against the president, showed that none of the Democratic candidates can defeat Trump, who according to the poll, lost to former Vice President Joe Biden by five points (49% to 44%), lost to Sanders 4 points, and Elizabeth Warren by one point.

The same poll also found that 50% of registered voters say that Trump should be removed in the House of Representatives, condemned in the Senate and removed from his post, while 41% of voters believe that the House of Representatives must vote against removing the President while 4% say He was removed from office but not removed from his position. The survey was conducted with a margin of error plus or minus 3 percentage points.

And the Judicial Committee voted last Friday (12/13/2019) according to the affiliations of its party members, as all the 23 members of the Democratic Party voted with accusations against Trump, and all the members of the 17th Republican Party against charging him, what is required to discuss and vote the entire parliament. (435 MPs) on whether Trump´s behavior amounted to “major crimes and misdemeanors” to vote to remove him.

President Trump is the first president since 1868 to face accountability during his first term at the White House.

It is expected that 234 Democrats (out of 236) and four independents will vote in favor of removing the president, among them a Palestinian origin, Representative Justin Amash of Michigan who split from the Republican Party and declared himself independent due to "Trump´s misconduct" at the beginning of the year, while all Republicans 196 against isolation.

The issue of dismissal goes after the vote on it to the Senate "for trial", where it takes 67 votes out of 100 senators to condemn the president and remove him from office, which is highly unlikely, as Republicans control the Senate by a majority of 52 members compared to 45 Democrats and two independent members .