Occupation arrests 7 citizens and warns against commemorating the launch in Jerusalem

Occupation arrests 7 citizens and warns against commemorating the launch in Jerusalem

The occupation forces raided on Wednesday morning, several areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and arrested 7 citizens.

Local sources said that the forces arrested the two young men, Saji Nizam Al-Rimawi, 24, from his relatives ’house in Beit Rima, and the youth Yasser Mudar Al-Barghouthi from Deir Ghassana northwest of Ramallah.

According to citizens, the occupation forces stormed the town of Surif in Hebron, and arrested: Omar Ali Mustafa Ghanimat, Amr Muhammad Issa Bradaya, and Rami Ibrahim Mustafa Ghanimat, while they were near the Apartheid Wall.

In Nablus, the forces launched raids and searches in several areas of the governorate, and arrested the young Muhammad Zahir Qat, a freed prisoner, who had been released for only 3 months.

It also raided several homes in the town of Beit Furik, searched them and tampered with their contents.

From Jerusalem, the occupation police arrested at dawn today, the secretary of the Fatah movement in Al-Issawiya, north of Yasser Darwish.

The Al-Asir Club in Jerusalem reported that the occupation intelligence launched a campaign against the movement´s leaders in Jerusalem, and stormed the house of the Fatah movement´s secretary in Jerusalem, Shadi Al-Mutawar, and demanded that his family surrender and leave him with a summons.

It also summoned a member of the Jerusalem District Command, Awad Al Salaymeh, and warned against holding any activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the Palestinian revolution.