Navalny´s defense team announces his health is getting worse

Navalny´s defense team announces his health is getting worse

Alexei Navalny´s lawyer said today, Wednesday, that the health of the imprisoned Russian opposition politician has deteriorated further.

According to Olga Mikhailova, the independent online TV channel DUZD, Navalny is now losing touch with his hands. And Navalny had previously complained of severe back pain and paralysis in one of his legs, in addition to coughing, as revealed by an MRI diagnostic of a hernia.

"He is naturally exhausted, because he continues his hunger strike and is only eating water," Mikhailova said. According to the report, his temperature has dropped from 39 degrees on Monday to the current 37.2 degrees.

Another lawyer for Navalny, Vadim Kopsiv, wrote on Twitter: “Alexey walks alone, and it hurts when walking. What the penal camp administration is doing at the moment is just to dissuade him from continuing his hunger strike,” adding that he is losing a kilogram of weight every day.

Navalny´s lawyer, 44, indicated that he was still in a medical ward at the camp. Navalny wrote on Instagram on Monday that three inmates had been hospitalized with tuberculosis.

Russian doctors had unsuccessfully requested access to Navalny at the Pokrov concentration camp, east of Moscow, on Tuesday.

The independent Doctors Alliance demanded once again an end to torture and Navalny´s release.

The opposition politician narrowly escaped an assassination attempt using Novichok´s nerve gas in the summer. He was sentenced to several years in prison in a highly criticized trial last February for violating probation conditions while he was recovering from poisoning.