Russia urges Ukraine and NATO to halt military supplies amid tensions in Donbas

Russia urges Ukraine and NATO to halt military supplies amid tensions in Donbas

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on Wednesday for Kiev and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to halt military supplies and other moves that could escalate tensions in eastern Ukraine.

"We support the exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donbas," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

Zakharova noted that Russia has noticed a campaign of false information by Ukraine and some Western countries that are trying to accuse Russia of fueling the conflict in Donbas and on the border between Russia and Ukraine.

"We see a false information campaign and a propaganda campaign aimed at diverting attention from Kiev´s military reinforcements in Donbas and its destruction of the Minsk agreements (on the settlement in the Donbas) and the increasing military activities of NATO countries in Ukraine," Zakharova added.

She explained that Kiev continues to send new forces and weapons to the line of communication in Donbas and violates the ceasefire with the rebels there, while some NATO countries have strengthened military activities on Ukrainian lands and in the Black Sea near the Russian border.

And in 2021, Ukraine plans to hold seven joint military exercises on its soil with various NATO countries, Zakharova said.

She added that NATO countries continue to provide material and logistical support to the Ukrainian armed forces, supply them with lethal weapons and train military personnel from Ukraine.

She emphasized that all this does not contribute to achieving security in the region or settling the conflict in Donbas, but rather raises major concerns in Russia.