Biden expresses his support for Jordan in contact with King Abdullah II

Biden expresses his support for Jordan in contact with King Abdullah II

US President Joe Biden expressed his support for Jordan, on Wednesday, during a phone call with King Abdullah II, a few days after an unprecedented crisis in which the former Crown Prince, Prince Hamzah, and others were accused.

The White House said in a statement, "President Joe Biden spoke today to King Abdullah II of Jordan to express strong American support for Jordan and stress the importance of Abdullah II´s leadership to the United States and the region."

He added, "They discussed together the close bilateral relations between Jordan and the United States, the important role of Jordan in the region, and bilateral cooperation in various political, economic and security fields."

During the call, Biden reiterated his support for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians aimed at ending the conflict in the Middle East, a principle the international community had adopted long before former US President Donald Trump turned against him.

On Wednesday, the Jordanian monarch sent a message to his citizens, five days after a crisis that engulfed Jordan, which is reviving after its first centenary days, stressing that "sedition is over."

On Sunday, the Jordanian government accused the former Crown Prince Prince Hamzah (41 years) and other people from the circle surrounding him of being involved in a plot to "destabilize Jordan´s security and stability." He was placed under house arrest.

However, Jordan´s King Abdullah II affirmed in his message broadcast on state television that "Prince Hamzah today is with his family in his palace and under my care."