More than six million cases of the emerging coronavirus in the United States

More than six million cases of the emerging coronavirus in the United States

 More than six million new cases of the new Corona virus have been recorded in the United States since the start of the outbreak, according to a census by Johns Hopkins University.

The largest economic power in the world remains hardest hit by the epidemic, with more than 183,000 deaths on its soil.

About twenty percent of the cases of Covid-19 in the world were recorded in the United States.

The number of infected people has decreased in recent weeks, but the country is still suffering from a large-scale outbreak of the virus, with the numbers varying between regions.

President Donald Trump, who is fighting a second-term election on the third of November, promised to completely eliminate the virus thanks to a vaccine that will see the light this year, stressing that "hundreds of millions of doses (of it) will be available quickly."

And the United States reached the threshold of five million injured three weeks ago.