Lebanon: U.S. funding cut is a drop in international refugee-care commitments

Lebanon: U.S. funding cut is a drop in international refugee-care commitments

BEIRUT _ Agencies

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates in Lebanon said this morning that the decision of the United States of America to stop its funding to UNRWA is a projection of international and, specifically, American commitments under the care and relief of Palestinian refugees who have been displaced by the Israeli killing machine, Taking advantage of international disregard and inaction.

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry, in a statement, denounced the decision of the United States of America to discontinue its contribution to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), stressing that "the contributions of the States to UNRWA are not one of them, but rather the duty of the States that have agreed to establish the State of Israel on The Land of Palestine, covering the occupation of its territory and the displacement of its people, "according to the official news agency.

"The intention behind this decision, which comes in the context of successive events, was to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and devote it to the capital of Israel, and then to declare the Knesset a Jewish state and now stop the funding of UNRWA," the foreign Ministry warned.

"These are all steps to get rid of the sacred right of return of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and other host countries, and to topple every attempt to resolve on the basis of the two countries, not to mention pushing the Arabs residing in occupied Palestine to leave," she said.

It called on the Ministry to consult with the countries concerned to develop a vision for action and to confront the repercussions of this resolution, including the convening of emergency meetings at the level of the Arab League and, more broadly, to include the host, donor and concerned States on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

In this context, she praised "Germany´s decision to increase its contribution", calling on other countries to "follow their example in order to bridge the gap caused by the United States ´ decision and allow the maintenance of UNRWA´s work."