Jenin: The occupation shot and suffocated civilians, and seized a water tank

Jenin: The occupation shot and suffocated civilians, and seized a water tank

Several civilians were injured by Israeli bullets and suffocation today, Monday, during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces, during their storming of the towns of Jaba and Araba in Jenin.

According to the official news agency, clashes focused on the Ain Al-Jouza area in the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, where the occupation soldiers fired bullets and tear gas canisters at the youths, which resulted in a number of them suffocating.

And local sources indicated that the occupation forces seized a water tanker from a house belonging to Fahd Fathi Fashafsheh.

In the town of Araba, southwest of Jenin, two civilians were injured by bullets from the Israeli occupation forces while they were near the apartheid expansion wall, near the town of Barta´a, southwest of Jenin.

The official news agency stated that the occupation forces shot at the two civilians while they were in the aforementioned area, which led to one of them being shot in the feet, and he was taken to hospital for treatment, while the occupation forces are still detaining the other young man.

In the same context, the occupation forces stormed the town of Al-Yamoun and raided the house of Kamel Al-Jabari, and tampered with its contents.

Local sources indicated that the al-Jabari citizen was transferred to the hospital as a result of his deteriorating health condition after the occupation soldiers stormed his house in a brutal manner.