Dozens of settlers storm the "Al-Aqsa" again, under the protection of the Israeli police

Dozens of settlers storm the "Al-Aqsa" again, under the protection of the Israeli police

Today, Sunday morning, dozens of settlers stormed the squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and performed Talmudic rituals there, under the protection of the occupation forces.

Settlers continue to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque squares, despite the continued complete closure in the Holy City.

The occupation authorities allow settlers to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate, which the occupation controls to open and close, to Bab Al-Silsila, through the Bab Al-Rahma area.

Extremists organize daily tours to storm Al-Aqsa in two periods: morning and evening, during which Talmudic rituals are performed.

This morning, the occupation soldiers were deployed in the squares of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.