Italy: 793 new deaths in Corona, bringing the number to 4825

Italy: 793 new deaths in Corona, bringing the number to 4825

Corona virus deaths in Italy rose today to 4 thousand and 825, after recording 793 new cases during the past 24 hours.

The Director General of the Italian Civil Defense, Angelo Borelli, told a press conference in Rome that cases of HIV infection have risen to 42,681.

He added that Corona´s deaths increased to 4 thousand and 825, after recording 793 new cases, while the number of recovered reached 6 thousand and 72 after the recovery of 943, during the last 24 hours.

Borelli indicated that the new death rate is the highest on a daily basis since Corona´s appearance in Italy.

For his part, the head of the Italian Higher Committee for Health, Silvio Brosaviero, said during the same conference that the average age of Corona´s deaths in the country is 80 years.

He explained that those with corona suffer from shortness of breath, and the most important measure to prevent the virus is to stay at home.

In the context, Guilio Galera, the health official in the region of Lombardy (North), who was most affected by Corona in the country, announced in press statements that the region recorded the last day, 546 deaths, bringing the total number to 3 thousand and 95, while the injuries amounted to 5 thousand and 869 .

As of Saturday evening, Corona infected more than 300,000 worldwide, nearly 13,000 of whom had died, mostly in Italy, China, Iran, Spain, South Korea, Germany, France and the United States.

The worldwide spread of the virus has forced many countries to close their borders, suspend flights, cancel several events, and prevent gatherings, including group prayers.