Corona deaths in Iran could reach 3.5 million

Corona deaths in Iran could reach 3.5 million

A report prepared by scientists at the Sharif University of Technology in Iran warned that the number of corona deaths in the country would reach 3.5 million if no quarantine was applied and the people ignored the instructions to prevent the virus .

And the Iranian news website "Tin" published the report prepared by a team of university scholars headed by Professor Ali Naqi Mashayekhi .

The report presents 3 scenarios for the possible effects of the Corona outbreak in Iran, the first of the "best scenarios" and includes the people applying quarantine and instructions to prevent the virus in its entirety .

According to this scenario, "if the rate of isolation among the people reaches 80%, it is expected that the death toll from Corona in the first days of April, when the epidemic will reach its peak, will reach about 120,000, and deaths to 12,000 . "

As for the second scenario, "In the event that the quarantine is not applied as required, and the communication between the people continues at 50 percent, it is expected that the death toll from corona in the aforementioned period will rise to about 300 thousand and deaths to about 110 thousand . "

As for the third scenario, which is the worst case scenario, it deals with the non-application of quarantine, and the non-compliance of the people with the instructions to prevent corona .

In this scenario, the health situation in society is expected to worsen, and the speed of the virus will spread to a level of 65 percent .

It is expected that the period of the peak of the epidemic will extend until the end of next May .

On Tuesday, the Iranian Ministry of Health announced that the death toll from Corona rose to 988 and injuries to 16,169 .

As of Wednesday, Corona afflicted nearly 207,000 people in 170 countries and territories, of whom nearly 8,300 had died, most of them in China, Italy, Iran, Spain, South Korea, Germany, France and the United States .

Corona´s global spread has forced many countries to close their borders, suspend flights, cancel numerous events, and prevent gatherings, including Friday and congregational prayers .