Israel demolishes al-Arakib village for 140

Israel demolishes al-Arakib village for 140

RAMALLAH _ Network News

Israeli occupation mechanisms and bulldozers demolished the dwellings of the residents of Al-Araqib village, deprived of recognition in the Negev, and displaced their residents for the 140 consecutive time.

The site "Arab 48 " quoted a number of residents of Al-Araqib, that the Israeli police stormed the village yesterday morning, with reinforced forces and protected the bulldozers and mechanisms that demolished tents and tin dwellings, and displaced the adults and the young and left them homeless despite the rainy weather conditions.

Residents said they insisted on staying in their village, rebuilding tents and housing and not accepting them from their village.

It is worth mentioning that Sheikh Sayaa al-Phasa, 69, from Al-Araqib, entered the Ramleh prison for serving his sentence by 10 months ´ imprisonment on Tuesday morning 25.12.2018, after the Beersheba Magistrate´s Court, on 24.12.2017 date, imposed a decision on the Al-phase prison after many years of struggle by the people Al-Araqib in the judicial process of the Israeli courts, in approximately 40 judicial charges attributed to Sheikh al-Phasa, 19 counts related to the "attack on the territory of the State ", 19 counts related to the "storming of public land in contravention of Israeli law", plus one charge related to the "breach of a judicial order  ".

The Israeli occupation authorities continue their plans to demolish dozens of unrecognized villages in the Negev and to displace their inhabitants in order to confiscate their land, which is estimated at hundreds of thousands of dunums, as part of the plan to judaize the Negev. The demolition of Al-Araqib comes at a time when the Israeli authorities are continuing to construct four new settlements in the Negev.

Some 250,000 Palestinian Arabs live in the Negev desert, half of whom reside in villages and residential communities, some of which have been in existence for hundreds of years.

The Israeli occupation authorities do not recognize their ownership of the lands of these villages and gatherings, refuse to provide them with basic services such as water and electricity, and attempt by all means and methods to push the Palestinian Arabs into despair and frustration for uprooting and displacement, as is the case in the villages of al-Araqib and Zarqin (Abu Qwaider and Um al-Hiraan.