Settlers attack elderly and sons and arrest one of them in Arroub camp

Settlers attack elderly and sons and arrest one of them in Arroub camp

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

Settlers assaulted the Israeli occupation army on Thursday, beating an elderly man in Arroub camp north of Hebron, arresting her son, and taking measurements of their house.

Journalist Thaer al-Sharif reported that the Israeli occupation army had fired tear gas canisters in the vicinity of Sheikh Ahmed Abu Sorur´s home in Arroub camp, and settlers who were accompanying them assaulted Zainab Abu Sorour (age 62), her two sons Ahmed, and Abdelkader, who was arrested directly by the army.

He added that settlers took measurements of the house and its adjacent land, located along the main road, Al-Quds Al-Khalil, claiming that the house belonged to the Christian Association and the nearby pond, which had been seized by settlers in the past two years.