Iran reports 43 new deaths and 595 cases of "Corona" virus

Iran reports 43 new deaths and 595 cases of "Corona" virus

The Iranian health authorities announced today, Monday, 43 new deaths and 595 confirmed cases of the new "Corona" virus, across the country.

The head of the media center of the Iranian Ministry of Health, Kyanosh Jahanpur, told Iranian television that 595 new injuries were recorded within the 24 hours, bringing the total number of injured people in the country to 7 and 161 cases, while 43 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total deaths to 237 people.

Jahanpur explained that Tehran Province recorded the highest rates of HIV infection with a total of 945 cases, followed by “Qom” province 712 cases, “Keelan” 524 cases, “Isfahan” 601 cases, the central province 389 cases and “Al-Barz” 307 cases.

In addition, 633 injuries were recorded in Mazandaran and Caspian provinces, 247 cases, Samnan 220 cases, Klestan 175 cases, Lorestan 151 cases, Fares 151 cases, and the city of Mashhad and its dependencies 183 cases, while the rest of the injuries were distributed. Among other Iranian provinces.

The Iranian Assistant Minister of Health mentioned that 2,394 people infected with this virus have recovered so far.

The mysterious virus appeared in China, for the first time on December 12, 2019, in the city of "Wuhan", but Beijing officially revealed it in mid-January.

According to the latest official statistics, the virus has infected more than 107 thousand around the world, while the number of deaths exceeded 3, 600 people, most of them in China, South Korea, Iran and Italy, while the rate of infection in China decreased the virus´s habitat.

Countries are still taking strict precautions to contain the virus, which has continued to spread in 104 countries.