Germany: 2 deaths and 5 thousand quarantine due to Corona virus

Germany: 2 deaths and 5 thousand quarantine due to Corona virus

The German health authorities announced the second death in the country related to the emerging Corona virus (Covid 19).

Authorities in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, said that the second death was of a 89-year-old woman who had tested positive for HIV last Tuesday.

The Ministry of Health in the state in western Germany confirmed, shortly before, the information about the first death in the country related to the Corona virus in the Heinsburg region.

The ministry said that the city authorities will announce details of this incident later in the evening.

An official in the German state of Brandenburg announced today, Monday, that between 4,000 and 5,000 people were quarantined because of a suspected case of injury in a school in the state of eastern Germany.

The official explained that the teachers of a grouped school in the city of Neustadt / Dossa contacted a woman from Berlin who was infected with the Corona virus, and as a result, the Health Office ordered a home quarantine for school students, teachers, administrative staff and their relatives.

It is reported that the school has students from the surrounding region and from all parts of Germany.

The local official said he could not give a specific figure for the numbers of people to be placed under house arrest.

The management of the aforementioned city authorities refused to confirm that the number of applicants under domestic isolation is up to 5,000, and a spokeswoman for the German News Agency (dpa) said that a reliable survey of these numbers is not yet available.

The total number of school students is 730 students.

The number of confirmed cases of infection with the emerging coronavirus (Covid 19-) in Germany has increased to 1112, according to the German "Robert Koch" Institute for Research and Analysis Monday morning.