The European Union may reduce refugee aid in Turkey, and Greece cut asylum benefits

The European Union may reduce refugee aid in Turkey, and Greece cut asylum benefits

European Commissioner for Budget Affairs Johannes Hahn announced today, Saturday, that the financial assistance provided to Turkey to take care of refugees on its land may be less than before and it will depend on the extent of Ankara´s commitment to an agreement Immigration.

"A lot of schools, kindergartens and hospitals have been built for refugees, and that should not be funded again," Han told the German newspaper, Die Welt.

But the EU will "be ready in principle to provide more assistance to support refugees in Turkey" if Turkey ends its "extortionate policies" by threatening to send more migrants to the European Union.

On the other hand, Greece has revealed that it will restrict aid to those who apply for asylum as of March 15 to reduce the pressure it is experiencing as a result of hosting them.