Human Rights Center: The occupation expands the policy of forcing Palestinians to self-demolish their homes

Human Rights Center: The occupation expands the policy of forcing Palestinians to self-demolish their homes

The Center for Human Rights and Democracy Media "Shams" condemned, today, Monday, the oppressive racist policy practiced by "Israel", the occupying power, against the Palestinians, "victims of the demolition crime," by forcing them to demolish their facilities themselves.

The center said in a statement that the occupation authorities raise the level of crime by forcing Palestinians to demolish their facilities, under threat of imposing heavy fines on them and making them double the cost of demolition, if they do not do so by the occupation municipalities, as part of what is known as "self-demolition."  

The "Shams" Center confirmed that demolition crimes are increasing and rising in an unprecedented way, and that it monitored the demolition of 35 self-contained facilities during the first half of this year, in addition to the demolition of 5 facilities last July, bringing this crime to 24 facilities. During the month of August alone, in addition to 10 facilities during the current month, which is still in its infancy, with a total of 74 establishments, most of which are homes, in addition to shops and stores whose Palestinian residents were forced to self-demolish.  

The "Shams" Center stressed that this crime takes the form of focus targeting, as the overwhelming majority of it is located in Jerusalem, where the occupation authorities have the greatest influence and the most intense targeting is in the context of the deal of the century and annexation plans.

The center pointed out that the pace of demolitions increases the closer the area is to the Temple Mount, "which confirms the colonial racist policy of Judaization .  "

The "Shams" Center expressed its absolute solidarity with the victims, especially in the town of Silwan (south of Jerusalem), who declared their rejection of this policy so that many Jerusalemites would follow them, from different regions.

The center said: At a time when we realize how difficult it is to imagine the amount and type of oppression that Palestinian citizens feel when they are forced to demolish their homes and facilities with their hands and the amount of pressure they are exposed to, in a complex context in which the tools of the colonial system are identical, including courts, local bodies, and army forces The occupying police; To force the arrogance of Palestinian victims of crimes to participate in the execution of the crime against themselves, and to eliminate with their hands the place that harbors and makes them feel safe in establishing the foundations of oppression and its action. 

The "Shams" Center called on the international community to assume its responsibilities and to work immediately to provide protection for Palestinian civilians in general, and to people specifically threatened, and to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons, and to stop the policy of silence and indifference that suggests to the occupying power that it has absolute immunity in committing Crimes, "which is what began to lose the Palestinians´ confidence in the international system, its legislation, and its tools."