Jerusalem ... the occupation issues an order to demolish a mosque and a house in "Silwan"

Jerusalem ... the occupation issues an order to demolish a mosque and a house in "Silwan"

Today, Monday, the occupation municipality issued a demolition order for a mosque and a house in "Silwan", south of occupied Jerusalem, on the grounds of unauthorized construction.

Today, Monday, the occupation authorities affixed a demolition order to the "Al-Qa`qa bin Amr" mosque, where the decision allows a period of 21 days, for objection to the court.

The two-story mosque was built in 2012 with an area of ​​110 square meters, and hundreds of prayers are performed in it, daily.

The Israeli authorities issued a demolition order for the mosque in 2015, but they have not implemented the decision.

The occupation forces also handed the Secretary of the "Fatah" movement, Ahmed Al-Abbasi, a decision to demolish his house in the town of "Silwan".

In recent weeks, the Israeli authorities have escalated the demolition of Palestinian homes, especially in the town of Silwan. 

The Israeli settlement organization "El-Ad" says that it wants to turn the town of "Silwan" into a Jewish area called "the City of David."

Silwan is the village most closely attached to the walls and gates of Old Jerusalem, on the southeast side adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its outer wall, and it is considered one of the most densely populated areas in the city of Jerusalem.