Activities of unified popular anger in the homeland and the diaspora, in opposition to normalization

Activities of unified popular anger in the homeland and the diaspora, in opposition to normalization

The various governorates of the homeland and the diaspora are witnessing, today, Tuesday, the activities of a day of popular anger that the United National Popular Resistance Command called in its first statement, denouncing and rejecting the normalization agreement that will be signed in the evening between the UAE and Bahrain with the occupation state under American auspices.

Mass rallies and stands condemning this shameful agreement are scheduled to start in all Palestinian cities and towns and in several countries.

The national factions and Islamic forces announced several activities in different areas of the West Bank, coinciding with the signing of the normalization agreement, and called on our people to participate in it more broadly. Three events will start at exactly eleven o´clock in the morning, and they are at Ibn Rushd Roundabout in Hebron, Martyr Thabet Thabet Square in Tulkarm, and the Roundabout of the Triangle of Shuhada in Jenin.

There will also be an event at twelve o´clock at the Martyrs Square in Nablus, and another at six o´clock in the evening at al-Manara roundabout in Ramallah.

The unified national leadership called on the living forces, civil, community, student and feminist institutions throughout the Arab world to raise the Arab banner of pride and the flag of Palestine, denouncing and rejecting this agreement.

It also called on our liberated families, the families of our heroic martyrs, and the families of martyrs whose bodies are kept in the digital cemeteries of the occupation to organize stands denouncing the agreement of shame in all governorates of the homeland.

The same applies to the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic communities, the world´s free people and its democratic forces, as it called on them to demonstrate in front of the embassies of America, the occupation state, the UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain, denouncing the agreements of shame.

Today, 50 American organizations will organize a protest in front of the White House, coinciding with the signing of the agreement.

The vigil will be held in cooperation with more than 50 American, Palestinian, Arab and Islamic institutions, to express their full solidarity with the Palestinian people and their rejection of the normalization agreement.

She also announced in her statement that next Friday will be considered a day of mourning in which black flags are raised to denounce the "America-Israel-UAE-Bahrain" agreement in all squares, buildings and homes, and churches ring bells of mourning, accompanied by events that include all contact points on the lands of the northern governorates.

It is noteworthy that in less than a month, the UAE and Bahrain signed a normalization agreement with the occupation state, which was met with widespread Palestinian, Arab and international rejection, because of its indications of departing from the Arab ranks and of international decisions in this regard.

The Palestinian leadership called on both the UAE and Bahrain to immediately withdraw from this step, due to the great harm it would inflict on the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and joint Arab action, and renewed its call for sisterly Arab countries to adhere to the Arab Peace Initiative as it came in 2002, and also called on the international community to adhere to international law And the decisions of international legitimacy.