Hong Kong grants $ 645 to those who test positive for the Coronavirus

Hong Kong grants $ 645 to those who test positive for the Coronavirus

 Hong Kong´s Minister of Health, Sophia Chan, said that the city will give an amount of 5,000 dollars of Hong Kong currency (645 US dollars) one time to anyone in it who has tested positive for the Coronavirus To encourage people to get tested.

According to a report by the Hong Kong Broadcasting Corporation, Chan said in an interview that the Employment and Social Welfare Office will announce the details of the grant plan. She said the government is establishing five more community testing centers in addition to the four already operating centers.

And the "Bloomberg" news agency quoted the report that Hong Kong will impose new social restrictions with the increase in cases of Corona virus locally to the extent that led to the announcement on Saturday of the postponement of a planned travel bubble between Hong Kong and Singapore for two weeks.