France is preparing to start easing isolation gradually

France is preparing to start easing isolation gradually

 France is awaiting the start of the process of gradually reducing isolation measures, which will be surrounded by strict safety measures in order to avoid a second wave of the spread of the new Corona virus, based on the decline in deaths.

36 hours before the start of the isolation reduction, France recorded the lowest daily death toll from the epidemic of 80 deaths, according to the General Administration of Health.

The majority of the population will be able to leave after two months of unprecedented isolation, which has been generally committed and, according to the authorities, has allowed a major retreat of the epidemic that has claimed the lives of 26,230 people in the country. But the virus continues to circulate in the absence of a treatment or vaccine.

About 27 million people out of 67 million will remain subject to more severe restrictions. France will be divided into two parts: "green" and "red" regions, where the virus will spread faster, with increased pressure on the health system.

The "red" area includes the suburbs of Paris and the northeast of the country. Schools will remain for 11-14 years old, parks and public parks closed in, with restrictions on shops and transportation. In Mayotte, the French island of the Indian Ocean, the easing of isolation has been postponed until after 11 May.

But even in the "green" zone, "everything must be refrained from thinking," stresses the specialists, including epidemiologist Marie-Paul Kenny, a member of the Research and Analysis Committee of Experts charged with advising the government. She adds, "It is necessary" for people to apply "measures of separation," meaning that they move from isolation in the home to isolating themselves and thinking that they should protect themselves and others.

Philip Goffin, head of the emergency department at Georges Pompidou Hospital in Paris, says the pressure is easing on the resuscitators, but that "the situation is still difficult and we do not have a large margin of maneuver," calling for preparation for the possibility of a second wave of the epidemic.

Saturday, authorities warned of any "indolence" in Dordon (southwest) after discovering at least nine cases of the new Corona virus after a burial. "You have to be very vigilant, life resumes, but not as before," said the local official in this circle, classified as "green".

French railway company SNCF said Saturday that the movement of trains will gradually resume, but it is no longer possible to play the piano at stations where the masking will be mandatory. There are about 3,100 people who will clean up the stations.

On the political front, Parliament finally adopted the text Saturday evening, which extends the state of health emergency in France until July 10 with measures that restrict freedoms and are linked to the easing of gradual isolation, including the establishment of an "information system" to identify injured persons and people who communicate with them, which is a subject of controversy.

The government hopes that the resumption of activity from Monday, especially in the area of ​​trade, will move the economic wheel as the country faces the worst recession since the Second World War. The highly affected restaurants and cultural sectors are still closed.

Several obligations were retained or entered. After many consultations on the subject and with a significant shortage in it, it will often be necessary to go out with putting masks, especially in public transport, on pain of paying a fine of 135 euros.

As of Monday, the state will provide 10 million masks for transport sector operators to distribute to users, including 4.4 million on the outskirts of Paris, where the situation seems to be sensitive because the ability of transportation will decrease according to the rules of social separation.

From Monday, Air France will measure the temperature of passengers who will not be able to board the plane if their temperature exceeds 38 degrees, and the use of respirators will be mandatory.

Throughout, calls are growing for strict rules of separation to be launched in the workplace as well as in stores.

About one million children will return to Monday, with 85 percent of them planning to open again, according to French Health Minister Olivier Ferrand.