The first cases of the new strain of Corona were recorded in the West Bank

The first cases of the new strain of Corona were recorded in the West Bank

An official at the Ministry of Health announced today, Saturday, that the first cases of the new strain of the emerging corona virus have been recorded in the West Bank.

The Director General of the Ministry´s Supportive Medical Services, Osama al-Najjar, told the official radio that 11 new cases of the new strain of Coronavirus were recorded in several areas in the West Bank.

Al-Najjar explained that five injuries to one family were recorded in the town of Deir Jarir, two in al-Taybeh, east of Ramallah, and two others in al-Ram, north of Jerusalem, and the same in Bethlehem.

He pointed out that there are 17 other suspicious samples that are still being examined in the laboratories of the Arab American University in the suburb of Rayhan, north of Ramallah, which includes a research team from the university and the Ministry of Health.

And the Minister of Health, Mai al-Kaila, announced ten days ago that 17 cases of the new strain of Coronavirus had been discovered for the first time in the Palestinian territories, in the towns of East Jerusalem.

Two days ago, the government announced the closure of the "Karama crossing" between the West Bank and Jordan, and preventing movement through it for a week, as part of measures to combat the new strain of Corona disease.

Palestinian government sources stated that the first shipment of vaccines against the Corona virus, including five thousand doses of the Russian Pfizer vaccine, is expected to arrive through Israel, to vaccinate medical teams within the next two days.