Dismissal of Austrian right - wing extremist interior minister

Dismissal of Austrian right - wing extremist interior minister

VIENNA - Conservative Secretary of State Sebastian Kortz on Monday dismissed Interior Minister Herbert Keckel from the extreme right-wing Freedom Party after leaking a video tape that sparked a scandal for the party, prompting all his ministers to resign from the government.

"In agreement with the president, I suggested that he dismiss Interior Minister Kickel," Kurtz told a news conference.

This comes three days after the leaking of a video in which Freedom Party president Heinz Christian Strahe said he was ready to receive Russian funding in return for securing government contracts with Austria.

The adviser explained that Keckel´s departure is inevitable, because his job as interior minister does not agree with an investigation into what Stroke committed.

"It was better for him to resign, as Sterne did, but Keckel refused and there is no alternative to sacking him," Kurtz said.

"Keckel can not investigate himself," he said earlier.