"Google" and the Android system cut links with Huawei

"Google" and the Android system cut links with Huawei

Google Corp., which relations on its Android operating system for most smartphones on Sunday, said it had cut off ties with China´s giant telecommunications group Huawei, which Washington sees as a threat to its national security.

The move could have serious implications for Huawei smart phone users, as the telecom giant will not be able to access Google services, including Gmail and Google Maps, a source close to the file said. .

At the height of a trade war between Beijing and Washington, US President Donald Trump this week banned US groups from any telecommunications business with foreign companies considered dangerous to US national security, in a move specifically targeting Huawei.

Huawei has been listed on a list set up by the US Department of Commerce for suspicious companies that can not be deal with before getting a green light from the authorities.

This prohibition specifically covers the exchange of technological expertise.

"We disagree with this decision and study its consequences," a spokesman for Google told AFP.

"For the users of our services, Google Play and / or PlayProtect will continue to operate on current Huawei devices."

Google, like other tech companies, is working directly with smart phone makers to ensure that their systems are compatible with their devices.

The ban will force Google to suspend its business with Huawei in the transfer of hardware, software and technical services that are not available to the public, which means that the Android system available to Huawei will be limited to the open-source version, the source told AFP.

The ban will also require Huawei to manually access updates and patch files from the Android Open Source Project available to all programmers and distribute updates to its users themselves.

Huawei will not be able to provide Google´s applications and services in the future, a source familiar with the case told Bloomberg News on condition of anonymity.

Huawei did not comment on the ban.

Huawei is one of the leaders in the new generation 5G network for smartphones. Its sales surpassed iPhone sales of Apple´s iPhone in the first quarter of 2019, and the company took second place in Samsung´s smartphone market.

But the Chinese company relies on foreign suppliers.

Huawei buys components worth $ 67 billion a year, about $ 11 billion of which are from US suppliers, according to the daily The Nikkei.

Washington is waging a fierce campaign against Huawei, trying to convince its allies not to let China play a role in building fifth-generation networks.

US government agencies are prohibited from buying Huawei equipment.

"We have not done anything that violates the law," said Huwai´s founder, Ren Zhengwei, adding that the impact of US actions would be limited.

The military history of Reine, as well as the lack of transparency in the company, raises concerns in a number of countries that Huawei is linked to the Chinese army and intelligence services.