Cuban President: The United States "attacks" Cuba after its failure in Venezuela

Cuban President: The United States "attacks" Cuba after its failure in Venezuela

Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel said on Saturday that Washington was attacking Cuba with new sanctions after failing in its attacks against Venezuela.

Diaz Canel posted a tweet on Twitter that "there are new US sanctions against Cuba. They are using lies as pretexts to tighten the blockade. Because they failed in Venezuela, they are fiercely attacking Cuba. We will resist and we will overcome that." ".

Washington on Friday began implementing new sanctions, limiting the amount of money Cuban Americans can send to family members on the island and restricting financial transactions through third countries.

In a statement, US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said his country believed the sanctions would help "isolate Cuba financially" as punishment for its support for the Venezuelan government.

"What most affects the Cuban people is the unjust, criminal and sustained embargo, a failed policy rejected by the international community. The empire of the United States is resorting to lies as pretexts," Diaz Canel said in another tweet.

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has tightened its policy toward Cuba by reducing its diplomatic staff in Cuba and activating section 3 of the Helms-Burton Act, which allows lawsuits in U.S. courts against companies working on property nationalized or confiscated by the Cuban government after the Cuban Revolution of 1959.