Hundreds of migrants arrive in the Greek islands across the eastern Aegean Sea

Hundreds of migrants arrive in the Greek islands across the eastern Aegean Sea

Athens - Hundreds of immigrants are trying to cross the eastern Aegean Sea to reach Greece, a member of the European Union, from Turkey.

The Greek Coast Guard said 332 migrants had arrived from Saturday morning to Sunday, from the islands of Rhodes, Kalymnos, Samos, Varmakonissi and Lesbos.

More than 20,000 people are already waiting in registration camps on the islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos. These camps have been set up to accommodate some 6,300 people.

Another 4,000 people were accommodated in smaller camps and apartments.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 8,103 people from Turkey arrived in the Greek Aegean islands in August, up from 3,200 in the same month last year.

The Refugee Charter, signed in March 2016 between the EU and Turkey, states that the EU can return all migrants who arrive illegally to the Greek islands via Turkey.

Those who do not have asylum are scheduled to be returned to Turkey immediately.