Choking injuries during the Beit Dajan settlement process

Choking injuries during the Beit Dajan settlement process

 Dozens of citizens were suffocated today, Friday, when the occupation forces suppressed the weekly march against settlements in the town of Beit Dajan, east of Nablus.

Local sources reported that dozens of citizens participated in the weekly march rejecting the establishment of a settlement outpost in the east of the town, at the invitation of the People’s Committee for Land Defense, the Faction Coordination Committee, and the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission.

The march began in front of the Great Mosque in the town, and headed towards the settlement outpost east of the town, during which the participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans condemning the settlements.

The Israeli occupation soldiers fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters at the participants, which led to tens of suffocation.