Abu Hasna: The UNRWA budget is declining in an unprecedented way

Abu Hasna: The UNRWA budget is declining in an unprecedented way

Adnan Abu Hasna, media advisor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), said today, Sunday, that the agency´s budget is being reduced in an unprecedented way, and this year will be less than last year.

Abu Hasna said in an interview with Al-Aqsa local radio in Gaza, that for the first time in the history of UNRWA, expenditures exceeded incomes, and there is a real deficit.

He denied the existence of any threat to UNRWA, pointing out that the cuts and delays in paying employees ´salaries are related to the reality of the financial crisis, the new reality regarding donor countries´ policies and the nature of their continued support.

He pointed out that next April, there will be a decisive international conference to put the world before its responsibility, during which a new strategic vision will be presented to provide for the needs of refugees and the world’s demand for a multi-year budget.

For his part, Mahmoud Hamdan, Head of the Teachers Sector at the Staff Union at UNRWA, said that the Agency´s Commissioner-General, Villette Lazzarini, promised that salaries would be available this week.