Berlin calls on Iran to implement the entire nuclear agreement

Berlin calls on Iran to implement the entire nuclear agreement

Germany on Wednesday called on Iran to abide by the nuclear deal after Tehran announced it was suspending some of its commitments, a year after Washington withdrew from it.

We are the Europeans, the Germans will do our part and we expect Iran to implement the agreement as a whole, "said Stephan Scheibert, a spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In turn, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry confirmed that Germany and signatories to the remaining agreement "respect their full obligations" and "are waiting for Iran the same thing."

Iran´s Supreme National Security Council announced on Wednesday that Tehran would stop reducing its stockpiles of heavy water and enriched uranium, as it had promised under a nuclear deal in 2015.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the European countries, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, of failing to "meet any of their commitments" after the United States withdrew last year and re-imposed very harsh US sanctions.