Army of occupation decides to demolish the house of the captive Assem Barghouti

Army of occupation decides to demolish the house of the captive Assem Barghouti

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

Today, the occupying authorities ordered the demolition of the house of the captive Assem Barghouti in Kober, north of Ramallah.

According to a statement issued by the Army of occupation, the commander of the Central Military Region, Major General Ndaf-Dan, signed the demolition order for the house.

The demolition order was issued after the rejection of the objection by the Barghouti family against the demolition.

Last night, the Israeli army handed over a notice to the family of martyr Saleh Barghouti about his intention to demolish the apartment where he lived.

The occupation authorities accused the Martyr Saleh and al-Assir Assem of carrying out a shooting near the settlement of Ofra, about two months ago, in which an Israeli was killed and seven others injured. She accused Asim of carrying out a shooting at the Givat Asaf Junction, in which two soldiers of the Israeli occupation army were killed and two others injured.