“We won the elections big,” Trump repeats again: We will not concede and we will not admit defeat!

“We won the elections big,” Trump repeats again: We will not concede and we will not admit defeat!

The outgoing US President Donald Trump confirmed this evening, Wednesday, that he will not waive the allegations of rigging the US presidential elections, stressing: “We will not concede, we will not give up, and we will not admit defeat.”

Trump said, in a speech to a number of his supporters gathered near the White House, "We won the elections a big victory and the results were not close. The elections were rigged as never before. This is an event that has never happened and we want it to receive fair media coverage," claiming that " I got 75 million votes and yet they say I did not win. "

He added, "I hope (Vice President) Mike Pence will do the right thing because if he does, we will win the elections. Pence has to protect our constitution.

Trump urged his deputy, Pence, to refuse to certify Biden´s victory in Congress, and he also issued a veiled warning to him (Pence), who is responsible for declaring Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidency. He also launched a sharp attack on the leaders of the Republican Party, saying that they were "complicit with the Democrats."

"There are unfortunate weak Republicans, but you are stronger and smarter, because you are the real people who built this country," he said. According to Arab 48

He added, "A quarter of a million ballot papers were counted in Pennsylvania bearing the names of dead and fictitious voters," adding that more than 10,000 ballot papers were counted in Pennsylvania despite receiving them after polling day.

"The American people no longer believe in corrupt pseudo-media," he said.

It is noteworthy that Pence will chair the joint session of the House of Representatives and Senate that will approve the vote of adult voters, noting that the Constitution stipulates that his role is limited to "opening" certificates sent from each of the fifty US states to transmit the votes of the major voters in them. Only members of Congress can protest the results of a few states.